General Information
Board Meetings
We value your opinions and suggestions! Meetings are held the 4th Monday of the month at 6:00pm at the Justice Park District Administration Building located at 7747 S. Oak Grove Avenue, Justice.
Class Cancellations
Programs may be cancelled due to severe or prohibitive weather. Check for postings. If a program is cancelled, all participants will be notified. Note: for special events, a rain date may or may not be scheduled. Please contact us at (708) 458-1370 for more updated information.
Equal Access
No participants shall, on the basis of race, sex, creed, national origin or disability, be denied equal access to programs, activities, services or benefits, or be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege, advantage or opportunity.
Lost & Found
The Justice Park District is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Lost and found items are kept in the administration building for 3 weeks. Items not claimed within the 3 weeks after being found will be donated.
If you have lost something, please contact us at 708-458-1370.
No Smoking Policy
Smoking is prohibited in all park district facilities and parks, and within 15 feet of any entrance.
No smoking or vaping is allowed in the Justice Park District Building.
Pets are only allowed at Commissioner’s Park if on a leash. No pets allowed at all other Justice Park District parks.
Bike Rack Stations
Bicycles must be placed in bike rack stations while playing at the park. Please be respectful of park property.
The park is not responsible for any damage.
Min/Max Program Cancellation Policy
Some classes are limited in capacity and once the maximum number of registrations is reached, we will do our best to make accommodations via wait-lists but we cannot make any guarantees. Please do not wait until the last minute to register for classes. Programs which have not reached minimum enrollment by the “Register By” date will be cancelled. Avoid disappointments and please sign up for your programs as early as possible to avoid cancellations!
Mission Statement
The Justice Park District is a separate municipal agency established for the purpose of providing parks, facilities, and recreational programs for the people of the community of all ages, and is responsible for the maintenance and administration of parks and facilities under its jurisdiction. The Park District is governed by five commissioners who set policies for the operation of the District. The policies are then enforced by the Executive Director.
Regulations and Policies
Photograph Policy
We are always looking for great smiles to appear on all sorts of Justice Park District publications. Participation in district events and programs implies consent for the district to use photos for promotional purposes. If you do not want a picture taken, please tell the photographer. If the picture was already taken, please call the park district office at 708-458-1370, and let us know it should not be used.
Residential Courtesy
The residential and business neighbors who surround the administration building, facilities and parks are very supportive and patient with the activities of the park district. Please acknowledge this tolerance by respecting their privacy and property.
Please be aware of the following general park use guidelines:
All areas close at dusk.
No glass or metal containers allowed at the parks.
No alcoholic beverages allowed.
Pets are allowed on a leash at Commissioner’s Park only, and owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pets.
Playground equipment is designed for youth under eleven years of age.
Parents are responsible for the supervision and conduct of their children at all times, and must inspect play areas before starting play.
No loitering. Play at your own risk. You are responsible for determining if you or your children are physically fit and properly skilled for any activity.
Security Cameras
The Justice Park District has security cameras on the exterior and interior of Commissioner Park.
Please respect all Justice Park District property and immediately report any hazards, unsafe conditions, or suspicious acts to the Justice Park District at (708) 458-1370.
Persons violating rules will be prohibited from using facilities and may be subject to fine and/or arrest.
Vandalism Policy
The Justice Park District will pursue prosecution to the fullest extent of the law against all persons who vandalize or commit other acts of criminal damage to Justice Park District property, and require restitution for the amount of damage and for any reward paid pursuant to this policy. Persons who provide information leading to the arrest and conviction of such offenders, or to full restitution by the offender, may receive a reward of up to $100, based on the amount of damage.
Persons eligible for a reward are expected to cooperate with all law enforcement authorities responsible for the arrest and prosecution of an alleged offender. A review committee made up of park district personnel will decide rewards.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Notice of Compliance
The Justice Park District is subject to and will comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of (ADA), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability against persons who meet essential eligibility requirements for services. Procedures are being developed to continue to implement the provisions of the ADA. If you have any questions regarding the ADA, please contact (708) 458-1370.
Registration Information
Payment is accepted in the form of credit card/debit card.
Proof of residency may be required at the time of registration.
Registration is only accepted at the park district office. Never give payment to an instructor.
Please note we do not prorate class fees. If you enroll late you will have to pay the entire class fee.
Children will not be allowed to attend adult classes.
Adults will only be allowed to watch children’s classes the first and last class meeting, with the consent of the instructor.
A program having insufficient enrollment may be cancelled or consolidated by the Justice Park District up to 24 hours before the starting time of the scheduled program.
Please inform the staff if you require any special accommodation to participate in the class.
Registration will continue on a first-come, first-serve basis until the program is filled, unless a registration deadline is given. We will try our best to accommodate anyone who would like to be in a class that is filled.
Freedom of Information Act Request
How to File a Freedom of Information Act Request with the Justice Park District:
Please make your request for records in writing. You may submit your written request by mail, fax or e-mail. Please direct your request to the Justice Park District’s FOIA Officer listed below:
Heidi Garza
Justice Park District
7747 South Oak Grove Ave. Justice, IL 60458
Phone: 708-458-1370
Please be as specific as possible when describing the records you are seeking. Remember, the Freedom of Information Act is designed to allow you to inspect or receive copies of records. It is not designed to require a public body to answer questions.